FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 12, 2022

Winter 2022/23 Improvement Updates

Sunrise Park Resort has worked over the summer to implement a number of improvements going into this winter season

Sunrise Park Resort is excited to welcome you back for another great Winter season! There have been a number of projects at Sunrise this summer to improve the guest experience, which were detailed in our Improvement Plan announcement back in August. Below is an update on several of the projects at Sunrise:

Sunrise Day Lodge

September 17

October 24

September 17

October 24

New Decks and Paint on Sunrise Day Lodge: Both the second floor and third floor entrance decks and stairs have been removed and completely rebuilt with a new configuration to improve access to the building. The new deck facing the slopes was built to provide more dining and seating space to watch riders on the mountain. The build of the new deck is now complete and awaiting final finishing (completion photo coming soon). The exterior of the building has been completely repaired for any rotting wood and all gaps sealed from ground to roof. An all-new paint scheme has been started and should be complete near our opening date.

Apache Peak Lodge

September 20

September 20

September 20

New Deck on Apache Peak Lodge: The entire back deck of Apache Peak Lodge has been completely re-built with lumber from the White Mountain Apache Reservation. The new deck will allow guests to enjoy the amazing views of the mountains to the south of Sunrise once again. The Apache Peak Lodge be open daily for dining this season soon as the mountain opens.

Cyclone Cord Lift

Cyclone Access via Cyclone Cord: Crews have widened “Denny’s Way” to access the peak of Cyclone Circle. Cement pads are ready at the base and peak of the run to accommodate the new Cyclone Cord lift. The lift is scheduled to arrive in December and be installed by the end of 2022. It will run approximately 600′ in distance and have an approximate 50′ elevation gain. The Cyclone Cord is a “Swiss Cord” style surface lift and can accommodate around 5,000 people per day.

Additional Updates

Sunrise Base Dining: We have a new dining option at Sunrise Base! The Crown Dancer Cafe and Grill will be located in the former rentals building at the base of Sunrise Peak. There will be both indoor and outdoor seating and dining options will include a full grill menu, coffee and drinks, and a selection of alcohol.

Introducing Mountain Learning Center: Sunrise has developed a new “Mountain Learning Center” to replace Ski School. This new center will provide a number of improvements to the learning options at Sunrise and will consolidate everything into one area at the Sunrise Day Lodge (floor 2). Guests will be able to head straight to rentals to obtain their gear, lift tickets, and prepare for instruction. The Mountain Learning Center will provide ski and snowboard instruction at Sunrise Base. Ski Bike rental and instruction will be available at Cyclone Base when it opens later in the season.

Streamlined Rentals and Demo Gear: Rentals has been moved into the Mountain Learning Center on the second floor of Sunrise Day Lodge to consolidate everything into one location. Guests will be able to go straight to the Mountain Learning Center to rent gear and get their lift tickets for the day. Sunrise is also introducing a new Sunrise Demo Center. This location will offer brand new, top-of-the-line skis and snowboards for guests to test on the snow. The Demo Shop will be in the building between Camp Sunrise and the Sunrise Day Lodge.

Streamlined Rentals and Demo Gear: Rentals has been moved into the Mountain Learning Center on the second floor of Sunrise Day Lodge to consolidate everything into one location. Guests will be able to go straight to the Mountain Learning Center to rent gear and get their lift tickets for the day. Sunrise is also introducing a new Sunrise Demo Center. This location will offer brand new, top-of-the-line skis and snowboards for guests to test on the snow. The Demo Shop will be in the building between Camp Sunrise and the Sunrise Day Lodge.

Tubing Hill: The tubing hill has been adjusted to accommodate 2-3 tracks of tubing and turned to provide a longer and more gradual slope. The new tubing hill will provide lift-service via a “magic carpet” lift instead of the cable line last year. Skier’s left of the magic carpet will provide tubing tracks and skier’s right will provide a learning area for skiers and snowboarders in the Mountain Learning program.

Early Start to Snowmaking: Sunrise got one of the earliest starts to snowmaking ever! We started making snow on October 23, with 10 snow machines running from Sunrise Base to Midway. Snowmaking has continued since, and we are running every time weather allows so we can provide an amazing base and opening day experience to start off the 2022/23 season!

We look forward to seeing you on the slopes soon!

Winter season passes are available online now at the link below:

Media Inquiries
Tyler Shultz
Marketing Director

About Sunrise Park Resort:

Sunrise Park Resort, owned by the White Mountain Apache Tribe, is nestled in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona. Located within a 4-hour drive of Phoenix, AZ, Tucson, AZ, and Albuquerque, NM, Sunrise Park Resort is a year-round recreation destination, offering a wide range of activities including skiing, snowboarding, and ski biking in the winter, and zip-lining, mountain biking, and archery in the summer. There is also a year-round alpine coaster and tubing hills in both summer and winter seasons.  Sunrise is committed to providing an exceptional guest experience, making it the perfect getaway for adventure and relaxation.