Greer, AZ – Shoot your shot this summer at the 33rd Annual Sunrise Mountain 3D Shootout. For decades, competitors have traveled the country to attend the annual archery shootout for both the challenging courses and the beautiful scenery – this year will be no different.
As the largest outdoor 3D archery shoot in the west, visitors will be able to register for “shoot for fun” courses or compete for prizes, including a trophy bull elk tag. The event will take place July 2 – 4, 2021 and will conclude with a firework display (pending fire restrictions) on the evening of July 4.
In addition to the 3D archery shoot, families will be able to enjoy other summer activities at Sunrise Park Resort, including scenic lift rides, zip lining, tubing hill, rock climbing, horseback riding, and more.
Sunrise Park Resort is under new management this season and is working hard to prepare the course and sign-ups for the event. Sign-ups and pricing will be on our new website soon at
Sunrise Park Resort would also like to remind visitors that there is an extreme risk for wildfires. Kindly follow the guidelines set by Navajo County to prevent wildfires while visiting, including refraining from smoking outside.
Sunrise Park Resort is committed to guest safety while enjoying our mountain. In accordance with WMAT EOC guidelines, guests are required to wear face masks while indoors. Hand sanitizers are available throughout the property and designated staff will clean all public access areas and touch-points.